July 12, 2022

That One Time I Went To Jail

That One Time I Went To Jail

That One Time I Went to Jail!

Trusting God in difficult times can be hard. Whether born again or not, painful seasons in life will be inevitable. Job 14 says, "Man born of woman is of few days and full of trouble…" He will use us in any circumstances, even in the darkest times, so His message of Love can be put right. Every trial God sends, even our daily frustrations, are meant to test us and grow us stronger in faith.

Join this conversation as I share how I landed in jail and served God’s will as He desired. I own the truth that when you are in a dark time, trust God, who gives you light to see the good in all situations. This is an honest message that is always true. 

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:06] Episode intro and today's focus
[01:15] Actions that landed me in jail in 2015
[07:38] Taking it positively inside the jail cell
[09:12] The peace of God that engulfed me despite the circumstance
[12:30] God’s plan isn’t always our plan
[15:33] Stories of other women that moved my heart
[17:21] Sunday morning- women thirsting for God
[22:06] Leading the women to give their lives to Christ
[24:40] Seven years later- Served the purpose of God
[27:07] Allow God to use you for His glory no matter the situation
[30:09] Do not be afraid to share what God has done for you
[32:46] Wrap-up and call to action
Notable Quotes 
Your circumstances and situations will change, but God will never.
Anything that has happened to other people could just have happened to you as well. It’s only by the grace of God.
Allow God to use you and speak to you during tempting times.
When God does something in your life, don’t keep it to yourself. 

Let’s Connect 
Monique Simmons
Website: https://www.demowithmo.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/demowithmo/
Facebook: https://web.facebook.com/demowithmo/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@demowithmo/

About The Show
       *****Thank you so much for listening to the DEMO with Mo PODCAST! This podcast’s mission is to help equip you with the tools and practical applications to do relationships well. Get inspired, motivated, and tuned up with honest conversations every week. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and be part of this blessed family.

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