Season Finale: Reflecting on Growth, Acknowledging Mistakes, and Keeping the Spark Alive with Guest Host Amye Grant

Join me and guest host Amye Grant, creator of the premium events platform Queen Talks, as we draw the curtains on a transformative season five interview with me in the hot seat. You'll be privy to how this podcast came into existence, its vision, and the benefits it was designed to provide. Whether you're navigating the initial stages of a relationship or are knee-deep in marriage, learn how to source the power of resilience and the belief that even the most challenging times can be temporary.
Get a front-row seat to my story of overcoming apprehensions to publicly share my personal journey. You'll learn the fine art of keeping your privacy intact while baring your soul. Discover how I have strategically veiled specific details to protect identities, and the reason behind dedicating my platform to glorify God. We then transition into unveiling my ambitions and future plans for the podcast.
Lastly, we dive into the heart of the matter - keeping the spark alive in marriage, acknowledging mistakes made, and overcoming fears. I spill the beans on the best gift I've ever received from my husband – his investment in my podcast dream. The season rounds off with a focus on the power of prayer in relationships. Join us and be part of a meaningful, enriching, and transformative season finale.
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Speaker 1:
What's up, guys? Welcome to Demo with Moe. I'm your host, monique Simmons. We'll be discussing dating, engaged and married objectives from a young Christian's perspective. Are you guys ready? Let's dive in. Hey, what's up guys? Welcome to a new episode of Demo with Moe. I am your host, monique Simmons. So today is season five finale, which is a little bittersweet, but I'm excited about it because today we are going to put a completely different spin on things. I'm going to move out of the hosted seat and my special guest is going to take over. But before we get started with that, i want to introduce you to our special guest host on today. She is no stranger to the podcast. I have Mrs Amy Grant joining me on today. Amy Grant is a wife, a mother and proud owner of Queen Talks sophisticated events. She is a Charlotte, north Carolina native with a passion for community service and seeing events come to life. Ms Amy was a guest on the podcast on last year for our wives night in where we talked about getting real, about all things marriage from a wife's perspective. So again, she's no stranger to the podcast. I want to Amy to come on and be my special guest host for me because, even though I never met Amy in person. She has such a beautiful spirit, such a big personality. She is one of our group members on our relationship community and our Facebook group that I always tell you guys about, and she's been there since the beginning and she's always contributed to the group. We always have conversations privately and she's just been a big part of this podcast journey and I just appreciate her so much So I thought she would be the perfect person to come on and do this special interview for me as we close out season five of the podcast. So, amy, welcome, welcome, welcome. So glad to have you.
Speaker 2:
Thank you so much. I'm glad to be back. I told you.
Speaker 1:
I would be. You did, you did, and I do want to let my listeners know there was no hesitation. I reached out to Amy and she agreed and she is here. So thank you so much. I don't take that lightly at all.
Speaker 2:
Yes, girl, i'm always here to support you. I appreciate it. So I have some questions for you today.
Speaker 1:
Okay, okay, and let me say this I'm a little nervous, which is very rare that I get nervous, but I am a little nervous because I did have the questions beforehand and I do want to let the audience know these are not questions that I came up with at all. These are not my questions, but these are questions from the Facebook relationship community as well as friends of the podcast. But what I did was I wanted to be fair. I don't like my guests to know questions that I'm going to ask them before they come on the podcast. I love to get real authentic responses from my questions. So, me being not in the hosted seat today, i wanted to have real authentic responses as well. So, even though I knew the questions, i didn't go over the questions. I didn't put together answers. So these are going to be new to me as you asked them to me.
Speaker 2:
So I'm a little nervous. Well, you are in the hot seat today.
Speaker 1:
Yes, yes.
Speaker 2:
Okay. Well, i think this is going to be smooth, though I think it's going to be a lot, a lot more smooth than you think it's going to be, so let's just start simple. Okay, what made you start the podcast?
Speaker 1:
Okay, okay, one of the reasons I started the podcast, which I've talked a lot about, my husband and I got married when we were 21. So we got married very young, very young. A lot of the things that I wish I would have known back then, because we went through a lot like a lot, and if you've been listening to the podcast, if you've been rocking with me, you know a lot of our background. It ain't always been cute, it ain't always been pretty. We have not always been where we currently are.
Speaker 2:
There have been a lot of bugs in a row.
Speaker 1:
So I wanted people who are starting off in their relationships, starting off in their marriages, to have resources and tools and to hear from people who may be in a place that they wish to be at one day to know you can get here, like, just because you're going through things right now, just because it may be hard right now, you're not alone, you're not the only one. It doesn't have to always be this way. I just wanted to give other people hope and don't get me wrong, i'm not out here thinking that I'm the marriage and relationship guru that I got it all together, heavens know. Not at all, but I wanted to be a source of hope for people, to encourage them, to let them know that they're not by themselves, and also because I am an avid podcast listener. I've been listening to podcasts for years. So I'm like, if I listen to podcasts and I see the statistics of people who listen to podcasts, if I can put out some content that will actually help people and encourage them and it'll be some good, not just the hot topic that we're talking about today, some juicy gossip, don't get me wrong. That stuff has its place as well But if this is going to be something that can actually help you in your life and help you in your relationship. I want to be able to put that out there So that was one of the main reasons.
Speaker 2:
I love that. Thank you for sharing that. Yes ma'am, how long did it take you to make up your mind to do a podcast? Was it something you just jumped into, or did you think about it, pray on it for a while, or were you pretty much set?
Speaker 1:
Girl. Heavens know, heavens know. So my husband and I are over the couple's ministry at our church. We've been over the couple's ministry at least 10 years at our church, so this is not something that I just jumped into And I'm a very private person. Listening to my podcast, you wouldn't know that about me. You would think I probably just share everything. But, knowing me personally, i am very private. I'm very strategic and very mindful of the things that I share about my personal life. Like things that I share, my husband has already okayed or in agreement with me about what I share. I talked to God about the things that I'm going to share. I'm very private. So I was not very apt to starting a podcast, because I know the type of person that I am. I'm very authentic. I like to be real. I cannot fake, i cannot pretend. I cannot act like I'm something that I'm not. I cannot talk about one thing and then live another way. I don't roll like that. So I knew if I did this podcast, i was going to have to put everything into this podcast. I was going to have to be vulnerable and transparent and real about my marriage and my life and my family And I wasn't sure if I really wanted to do that, if I'm being completely honest, but God kept putting it on me like this is your testimony, this is your life, and it wasn't so much about me, it was about God and him being glorified because it represented Because, again, my husband and I got married so young and we went through so much in our marriage and our relationship where other people on the outside probably thought we weren't gonna make it And, to be honest, i myself thought we wouldn't make it a lot of times but to get where we are now, it was just a testament of who God is like, what he can do if you trust him, if you believe him, if you live your life according to his word and really live what you say you believe Like. It's a testament of who he is and what he can do in your life and in your relationship and in your marriage. So for people in my life who actually seen what God did in my husband and I's marriage and in our relationship and in our family and in our finances he did so much And for me to try to not be willing to share that with the world, to hold on it for myself when we're, as Christians, people who are listening to this. If you're a Christian, if you're a believer, we're supposed to be witnesses to the world. But for me to try to hold it for myself and not be willing to share that so people can know that God is real, i couldn't do that. I could not do that. So, to answer your question, no, i did not originally want to do that, but I had to get past myself and really trust God fully. Like you calling me, you've equipped me with everything that I will need to do this. It don't matter what people gonna think about me, how that may judge me in my relationship, what they may have to say about me, how some people in my life cause a lot of the things that I share may involve other people in my family. People may not like me sharing certain things, they may be offended by certain things, but I had to get outside of what other people thought and had to be more concerned about me, pleasing God and bringing glory to him.
Speaker 2:
And that is an aspect of it that I never even thought about from your perspective The idea that some of the things that you share because you're telling your truth, your story, they may involve other people who may not be as comfortable and they may not have healed as much as you have enough to share this kind of stuff or want this stuff out about them. So that's another layer that your audience can consider, cause I hadn't thought about that before as much as I've been following Yeah, cause, for example, the episode I did about domestic abuse, domestic violence.
Speaker 1:
for domestic awareness month, I shared things about my ex when I was in a domestic abuse relationship. Even though I forgiven that person and I hope that they forgiven their self and they've moved on, I have to be mindful of those things. I was very strategic in not sharing any names, not giving certain details so people could try to put pieces together and try to figure out who it is. But I have to think about all of that because I never want my platform to be hurtful to anyone.
Speaker 2:
Cause again, like you said, I'm sharing my truth, but even with me sharing my truth, my truth involves other people And I don't want to hurt anyone, and that's amazing that God has done that for you to have a platform and not use it for get back, but to glorify God in what she really came into this, for That's a beautiful testament in itself. Yeah thank you.
Speaker 1:
I got more questions. Yes, ma'am.
Speaker 2:
No, while we're talking about the podcast and we're going to move off this subject in a little bit, but I just think it's always beautiful to get the backstory right, Like we spend so much time featuring other people on our platforms. Now that we are highlighting you as a starter of this platform that so many people love, I just really want to give you a chance to tell your audience you know, your story and how this all came to be, so that we can continue to support. What are some of your other ambitions or future goals that maybe you have for the podcast, or where are you looking to see this go in 10 years? Where are you hoping this podcast has taken you and your following?
Speaker 1:
Okay, so one of the big things that I care about is impact and relationships. I care so much about people and their relationships and their marriage. It's like I have a heart for that, like my heart burns, like I can't even explain it. So I would love to do marriage retreats, like that's something that I really want to do. I want to be able to do marriage retreats where couples from all over the United States could come together just to get together, like well, we discuss things that we all deal with in marriages, but not only talk about those things but have a good time as well, because you know you in the group, you know I love these nights and vacations, i love that kind of stuff. So I want to be able to put it together where we talk about the things that we deal with in relationships, but I also want to be able to have a good time and date our spouse and have fun with one another and connect with other couples. So it doesn't just stay at that retreat, but we actually can build on it, where we continue to grow our community and connect with other couples. That's that's that would be a huge thing for me, like that's something that I really, really want to do, because I care more about quality over quantity. But I don't care per se, don't get me wrong. I would love if the group would continue to grow with the numbers, but that's not my main concern. I really care about the involvement, the connections, people really getting to know one another and building those relationships Like that's. That's what I care about so much. That's why I push the, the engagement, because that's really what my heart desires. I don't care so much about the numbers, so that would be my main goal. Another goal I would have is one day having sponsors for the podcast, because right now I pay for everything. I do everything myself, far as the editing, the putting out the podcast. I do all of that myself. So one day I would hope to have sponsors for the podcast. I'm not looking for anything big because, again, this is my passion, this is something that I care so much about, so I honestly don't care about spending the money. Don't get me wrong. I'm sure my husband would love for me to have a sponsor.
Speaker 2:
So we have to spend the money.
Speaker 1:
You know what I'm saying But again, this is my, this is something from my heart. This is not something that I'm doing because it's not about the money for me, but I would hope one day there would be my goals to one day have sponsors So we would not have to pay out of pocket. But yeah, just to continue to do it because I love it. I mean, i really do love this a lot.
Speaker 2:
I love that for you And you know that's how you know you really are into it And it's not just something that you're doing just to do because you're willing to fund it. So, yeah, i wish you nothing but blessings And I know it'll continue to be for you. Thank you so much. So what advice would you have, moving away from just general questions about the podcast? What advice do you have for full time moms, new wives? What advice do you have for that 21 year old bride? who madly in love, ready to have some babies, maybe pregnant right now, planning for the future. What do you say to her?
Speaker 1:
Girl, girl, there is so much that I say to you. First thing and this is advice that I always give, now when young women are getting not even just young women, even older women that are getting married for the first time. But one thing that I say, especially for young brides don't lose yourself, because that's something I see so much And that's something that even happened with me because, again, i was a young woman getting married. I didn't know, i thought that you get into marriage, you become this wife, you become this mother, you begin to wear all of these titles and you're supposed to do all of these things, but you forget you. I forgot Monique. I'm a wife, i'm a mom, i'm PTA, i'm in these church ministries, i'm an employee, like I'm doing everything for everybody else. But who am I? What do I like? What makes me happy? And I could not answer those questions for a long time And I was looking in the mirror like who are you Like? who is this person looking back at you? So I would encourage you. My advice would be to you is not to lose yourself. Something that I'll talk about Y'all going to hear me talk about, the group alive, because a lot of these things that I'm talking about. I push in a group so much Because it's going to be important to your relationship and your marriage. But self-care is so important because the more you take care of yourself, the more you remember who you are, the more you prioritize you. You find out what you like. You find out what you love. You remember who you are as an individual, as a person. The better you are. It will benefit your marriage. You'll be a better mom When I'm a better monique. I'm a better mom When I'm a better monique. I'm a better wife. So don't lose you. Remember who you are. Continue to do the things you love. If you loved going out with your girlfriends shopping, continue to go out with your girlfriends and shop and prioritize. Don't let that take over your marriage. It'll take over your responsibilities of being a mom. But continue to do those things and pour into you so that you can pour into others. Just don't forget about you. Don't lose yourself, because your husband, your spouse, your partner, they fell in love with you as an individual. They fell in love with who you were back then. That's why you hear some men say man, i miss my girlfriend, i miss who you were then because they liked that, they enjoyed that And so don't lose that. And another thing I would say is date your partner, have fun together, because we can get so busy and so caught up in the mundane and the routine. We go to work, we come home, we take care of the kids, we make our meals, we do laundry, we may have sex, and we do the same thing Rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat every day. And that gets so boring for the man and the woman. That is so boring. But do the things that you guys were doing before. You know that excitement, that date night where you got dressed up, you were smelling good, he was opening doors. You know you guys were excited to see one another, you were seeing each other, those look nice, sexy texts. You know all of the things that were just so exciting and so new and so sexy. You know, still have fun together. You still enjoy one another, that couple that you were before you got married and got so caught up into the routine of things. So, yeah, that would be my best advice.
Speaker 2:
I love that And it's so important you know to continue to be who you are, because that's who the person fell in love with, And that's something I think you can say to even a little more season wise. All of us can use that advice, I think. All right. Next question So this question is coming from our wild card pot. Ok, Our card question. The people want to know what is Monique's favorite type of date night. So if this is, Simmons wanted to wow you today. If he trying to get a favor or something, what does he need to do?
Speaker 1:
Girl? OK, ok, my card. OK, well, correct question Favorite date night girl? Because if y'all don't know me by now, if you've been rocking with me, i love a date night. I'm talking about I look And OK. So to start it off, i love a spontaneous date night. I love a planned Sponsor, and I don't mean spontaneous where he just popped up and just randomly just threw some together. I mean spontaneous meaning I didn't know about it. So I love for my husband to plan and initiate a date night that I had no part seen, because I can plan a lot of daynights, because I love date night, so I usually plan and initiate a lot of daynights. So I love when my husband plans, initiates, executes me with a date night and it came out of nowhere, like I wasn't expecting it. So that would be number one And my favorite kind of date night, because I love a good road trip Like I would get in my car and jump on the road If we didn't have three kids.
Speaker 2:
We would be on the road every weekend.
Speaker 1:
I love either, okay. So this would be two of my favorites If we gotta stay local and we don't have a babysitter so we can't get on the road. I love a good bar hop And I don't mean like bars where we going in the club or something like that. So if those of you listening, that's not what I'm talking about, but I mean, like we do this thing where we're gonna have drinks, appetizers, dinner and we may do dessert, so we'll go to like three different restaurants, cause I just like stuff like that. So we'll go to a spot, we will have drinks there and maybe an advertiser, and then we'll go to another spot and we may share like a main course And then, if I'm up to it, we may go have dessert. If not, we'll go to another spot and have drinks and just that'll be our nightcap to end the night And that's. It's just so exciting. I feel like we, girlfriend and boyfriend, when we do stuff like that, like I just I don't know, it just does something for me Like ooh, okay. So, but if we can get a sitter this is Mr Simmons, if you listening you know, I'm just saying, I'm just saying my absolute favorite. I love New Orleans. It's my favorite city ever. I would love a road trip to New Orleans. We don't even have to spend a night, we can come right back. But I love a trip to New Orleans. We can walk Frenchman Street, listen to the live music, pop in a few of the jazz restaurants and dance a little bit, have a drink or two, and I'm good. I can have me some Benye's, some charbroiled oysters, and I'm good. I girl, that would blow my mind, that would just blow my mind. So those are my favorite. Those are my favorite day and night. Ooh, a little bit of free game Okay. I love it. I love it.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, okay, so let's talk about, while we're talking about, you know, keeping it fun, keeping it spontaneous, keeping it fresh. What are some pointers that you could give We've talked a little bit, you know, to the new whites, to the young mother What advice can you give to those people who have been married, say, five, six, seven years, plus, even longer than that. We got some married vets in the group. So what advice do you give to them? as far as keeping it sexy, you know, as you get older, society makes it seem like our age limits us and we should be acting this way because we're this age or that age. And what I admire about your marriage in particular is that you keep it young and you keep it fresh. And just because we're getting older doesn't mean we have to, you know, act like our marriage is old and thrown away, and that's really what is gonna keep the friendship alive. So what advice do you, what do you say to the older wife, the older husband even, who just needs some inspiration, some a spark?
Speaker 1:
Okay. So when people hear this question, i'm sure they might automatically win to six.
Speaker 2:
And I'm I, and you know what, and I'm being completely transparent I was not even thinking sex at all. That's the crazy part about it. I used sexy, but genuinely, god knows, i was not thinking about sexual intercourse at all. I genuinely want you to talk to your older supporters, people who have been in the game for a minute. You need to keep it sexy, and I know Monique believes that, so tell us how to keep it sexy.
Speaker 1:
Okay. So this may not sound sexy, but I promise you this this will bring excitement into the relationship, even if you are older. I would encourage you because we're constantly changing. Like I am not the 21 year old woman I was when my husband and I got married. I'm getting ready to turn 35 in a few months. So, like I am not that person anymore. Something that my husband and I had to learn how to do is get to know the person that we are now. Like literally let go of the aversion of who we think our spouse is. Like they're gone. That 21, 22, 23, whoever you were when you were married got married they're gone. Let them go Get to know who your partner is today. So something I would do or encourage you to do, to keep it spicy or get some excitement back into your relationship, Something that my husband and I have been able to do well, which has sustained us in our marriage. Because if you've been listening to the podcast, you know that my husband and I had a hard year this past year in our marriage. Like it was really rough. And what sustained us is our friendship. Like me and my husband are friends. Like I legit that's my guy. Like I love my husband. I like him as a human being. I rock with him, like I care about him a lot, like he is my friend, like he's my best friend actually. But something that we do is we do things that the other partner likes to do. Like we find activities and adventures, like I love to travel, like that's something that I really love to do. My husband is a homebody. Before. He would want to be home all the time, he wouldn't want to go nowhere And he got this adventurous wife over here And I'm looking at the four walls Like I got to get up out of here Like we need to go. But instead of him trying to make me be more like him, he began to get out Like let me see, let me put my feet in the water a little bit, let me see what she talking about. So he would begin to travel, and the more we would begin to travel, he's like I'm really enjoying myself. And then the compromise would be when we would travel, i would find activities that my husband would like to do. He loves sports, he loves basketball, so I would get tickets to NBA games or some kind of sports event, or we would go to like a main event or some kind of activity place with things that he loved And he enjoyed to do. So that would be the compromise My wife gets to travel and do the things that she loves to do, but she also makes sure, while we're going traveling doing what she loves to do, that I get to do the things that I love to do. So I think that's what keeps for us anyway, that would be my advice to you That's what keeps the excitement going in your relationship and your marriage, being able to build on that friendship and being able to enjoy one another. Because there are so many people who are married. They don't even like each other, like they don't even enjoy talking and being with one another. But if you begin to build that friendship, like literally, even if you have to start from scratch, like really getting, because, just like you build a platonic friendship with someone, you spend time with them, you talk to them, you get to know what they like, what they dislike you build that relationship. Do the same thing in your marriage and begin to do more of those things with one another to build that friendship in your marriage And I promise you it will help your relationship.
Speaker 2:
I love that. I love that And I hope that that truly inspires somebody. I wanted to ask that question for myself, for just anybody who's been married for some time and feeling like things are a little stale maybe, and you want to spice it up, but you don't know how. So thank you for sharing that. So what are some things that you have grown in wisdom with that? maybe you wish you would have known a little bit earlier? Talk to us about, maybe, some mistakes that you made as a wife that you want to help somebody else prevent, maybe and it could be something as small, as I used to wash his clothes a certain way and he hated it and I didn't know or something as big as you know. Whatever you feel like sharing, what are some things that you know you had to learn the hard way that you wouldn't want little sis to learn the hard way.
Speaker 1:
Girl. I could write you all a laundry list of mistakes that I made. I made so many mistakes. I'm talking about so many because I did not see a healthy view of marriage growing up. I did, and I didn't know. A lot of people married and again we got married at 21. So it wasn't like any of our friends were married. Nobody around us was married. So it, so we were starting from scratch, basically. So I made a lot of mistakes. That's just the disclaimer there. One of the biggest mistakes that I made and I made this mistake for a long time 10 plus years long time But I was always trying to change my husband instead of accepting him for who he was Like. This is just girl, it's 10 years now. Just accept this is who this man is Like. I would always try to change the things that I did not like about my husband instead of accepting who he was. That was a huge mistake that I made. And then another mistake that I made was the year we got married. We both became Christians. That year we got married we both had given our lives to Christ, so we were babes in Christ. We were babies. We didn't know anything. We were figuring out our walks. I matured a lot in my relationship with Christ quickly because I was learning and studying and in Bible study and Sunday school and doing all of the things to grow My husband not so much. The biggest mistake that I made and I see a lot of women especially making this same mistake I wanted my husband to be on the same level as me. I wanted to force him to do the things that I was doing so he could be where I was spiritually. I wanted to force him to be at all of the Bible studies. I wanted to force him to be at all of the Sunday schools on time. I wanted to force him to pay his tithes I mean literally. I wanted to force him to do all of the things. But that is not what God wants from us. Each one of us has our own personal relationship with Christ And I want to encourage anyone who's listening to this whether you're a man or a woman and you're trying to force your partner and force their relationship with Christ, with God, it's a personal relationship. That's why it's called personal. Whether they do or they don't do, god will hold them accountable. There's no part of yours. You take your hands off of it, because as long as we're trying to be in control and make them do things our way, we're in the way of God. You're basically saying I'm God and I got this, but you need to move out the way. So that was my biggest mistake, and the more I would try to pressure him or guilt him or make him feel bad about what he wasn't doing, the more he would reject it. But one day I finally realized, after talking with God, and God convicted me because I was wrong. I was totally wrong and God convicted me. I confessed that thing, i repented and I instantly felt bad about it And I said, god, i won't do it anymore. I never said anything else to that man about what he was doing or what he wasn't doing. You don't go to Bible study, okay, that's on you. Fine, i will continue to go to Bible study. You don't come to Sunday school, or you show up late or whenever you decide to walk in Okay, fine, that's on you. And the more I began to take my hands off of those things, the more God would begin to intervene and convict my husband and he would begin to deal with him in his relationship with him. And now my husband does all those things. But it took me getting out of the way and realizing girl, you ain't in control, you are not God. So yeah, i made a lot of mistakes. I made a lot of mistakes, but I just really had to realize that in a lot of the mistakes that I made again, it's way more than those, but those were my main ones. I had to realize in my self-righteousness that I am not God, i got to let God be God. I really have to trust God the way I say I do And let go and let God be God.
Speaker 2:
Yeah, that's always really important And you know it's important to note that that is not from a loving wife or a loving husband. That's not coming from a bad place. It's coming from a place of wanting to protect your partner, wanting to bring them under that shield that you know has protected you so much. You want that for them so bad. So, yeah, it's never coming from a bad place And I think that's why our partners can be so patient when it comes to that, because they know it's out of love. But, like you said, part of that love is going to God and getting that conviction, like you know what It's time to move. So that's important. That was a good one, yeah, so talk to us about fears. Do you have? you know, you and Corey you've been married for a really long time, since you were younger, gone through so many things and gained that confidence in yourselves and in your marriage. Are there things you know about your future that you fear, or have you grown out of that?
Speaker 1:
Yes, one of my biggest fears And I don't want to say grown out of it, but I'm more at peace about it now It's not like something that's in my forefront of my mind where I think about it all the time, because at one point when things would happen, i would respond from that place of fear, like I'm responding this way because of their fear, if that makes sense. But one of my biggest fears used to be of divorce And it wasn't because of anything that my husband did or that I did, but statistics show that people or children from divorce are more prone to get divorced. So I used to always think, every time we got into an argument, every time we got into a disagreement, every time something would happen. What if we get divorced? So I would always respond from a place of fear that we would get divorced. So things would happen in our relationship and my reaction would be a reaction of fear. It was what was driving my reactions. I hope I make sense.
Speaker 2:
That does make sense, so we all have been there in one element or another. So I think if you've been married longer than two days, you know how that feels to operate out of the fear of loss. I think we've all been there in one way or another acted out, overreacted, underreacted, just out of fear. So I don't understand what you mean. Okay, so let's see, we might have another wildcard question, we might have one more wildcard question. So I have two more questions. We're going to do another wildcard and then we'll cool you off with just another one that the people want to know before we wrap it up. So, wildcard question What is the best gift your husband has ever given to you And what do you think he believes is the best gift you've ever given to him? And this can be tangible or spiritual, it could be your kids, whatever you think.
Speaker 1:
Okay, best gift he's ever given to me, i would say he got me and I can't remember if these were all together or they were separately, but they were close together. But he got me a new computer, a new laptop and I'm actually on all of them now. That's why it's like literally fresh of my mind. But a new laptop, ring, light, camera And it was something else that came with this. I don't know, but it's not even the tangible things, which don't get me wrong. I love all of these things. But it was the point that he was invested in my dream. It's so important to me because he knew how much the podcast meant to me, how much this is a passion for me, how much I love it. He wanted to give me better things than I already had to make it the quality that much better for what my dream was. So the fact that he invested in my dream, that's what makes it the best gift that he's ever given me. He would probably say and this is just because this is something recent the best gift that I've given him recently is for our anniversary. I sent him to get a full body massage and a facial. I didn't realize it at the time, but that was his first time ever getting a massage or facial. I sent him on his little self care day. My husband works a lot, he works two jobs and he never does anything for himself. I know how big I am on self care and he always makes jokes. I know I need to self care, self care, self care. That's what he always say, but he doesn't do it. So what I did was is went ahead and purchased the gift certificate and made the appointment, otherwise he wouldn't have did it. If I would have just gave him the money, he wouldn't have did it. He would have probably paid a bill or bought food for the house or some ridiculous thing other than for himself. So I went ahead and did all of that And he called me when he left the appointment. Hey, girl, i'm getting all the emotion and thinking about it, but he just expressed That's the special part. Yeah, again, it's the motive behind it. It was just like I could tell from his response. My husband is not a cryer, he is not a cry at all, but I could tell about his response like he had tears in his eyes. He was like that was just the most amazing experience. The lady was so nice to me, like she just talked to me the whole time, like I've never experienced something like that, like do you know, that was my first massage, like he was just the conversation, like it was just so, so authentic, like his response to us have how much he appreciated so, yeah, yeah, i would say that's probably what he would say the best gift.
Speaker 2:
And I love that. the reason I wanted that to be our last wild card question is because we've been talking about, you know, sprucing it up and just making sure that we are tending to who God gave to us And then we tend to them like we tend to our children. our jobs are everything else And I felt like your supporters hearing that special moment would. hopefully it inspires everybody to go and want to recreate those special moments in their own marriages in their own ways, and I think that's why we have so many special moments together like that that they can talk to their friends about.
Speaker 1:
I hope so.
Speaker 2:
So our last question, and it is perhaps the biggest question. I thought this question was important because your platform is Christian based and you're welcome. You're welcome, you're very welcome into anybody who, from all walks of life and everybody knows that but obviously a good bit of us here are Christians and that's what we believe in our marriages. so I would just love for you It's to take a moment and just pray for everybody their marriages, their foundations. you know it's hard right now for a lot of people and even if it's an easy time period, you know that it goes up and down like a wave and I think that that would be meaningful to your platform.
Speaker 1:
Girl, can I see how much I love that? I love that so much. Thank you for even because I had no idea you were going to do this. Thank you for that.
Speaker 2:
It's meaningful to me. I have not had a chance to tell your platform just how much I adore you and what you're doing. Your support, whether it's private or public, is. You're just so selfless And I know that you get that to your family and I'm trying not to tear up, because I genuinely hear so much about you, even though I have never met you, just because you care so much about me And I feel that, whether we talk every day or not at all, so I really hope you understand that your platform is helpful. You have been there, even when you didn't know you were being there for people myself, i'm sure everybody else too. So I really, really, really love you as a sister in Christ And I wanted you to pray over all of our marriages, because good days are bad days. That's who God gave to us and that's who we need to lean on for everything.
Speaker 1:
Amy, thank you so much. I appreciate you. I receive all of that and I love you. I know you know that, but I really do love you And I want my listeners to know this because this is the final episode for season five. I really, i really do love y'all, like even the people that I don't know, that are not part of our private relationship group on Facebook, that I don't know personally, just my listeners who really invest and listen to this podcast, because I know, if you're listening to this podcast, that you're more than likely in a relationship and in a marriage And if you are, i know that you are going through things, because that's just the way of life. We're all going through things and we're all facing things And I want you to know how much I care about you. I legit, in my heart, care about every one of you And I lay it all out there Every, every season. I laid it all out there because, again, as I told you guys and Amy's question when I started this podcast, is because I want God to be glorified. I literally want you to know that he is real, because he did it in my life and in my marriage and I know he can do the same for you. But again, this last year in my marriage was really, really hard for me, because I want you to know, when you're doing anything for Christ, when you're trying to help people discourage people, when you're talking about Christ and glorifying him in any way, the enemy is going to attack you. He's going to come after you. He is going to try to discourage you any way that he can, and he has done that the two years that were almost two years that I've been doing this podcast. He has done that in every way. But I will continue to do this podcast, i will continue to lay it out there and I will continue to give God glory. So whenever you guys are listening to this, whenever you are in your prayer time, i want you to call my name and pray as well. Lift me up, as I continue to lift you guys up and encourage you guys on each journey, because I needed to So. Thank you guys for listening. Amy, i love you so much. Thank you so much for even doing this for me. I appreciate you, but we're going to go ahead and close out with prayer. They're heavenly fathers. Lord, we thank you for this opportunity, thank you for this interview, thank you for this season five finale. Thank you for what you've done in and through this podcast. I pray that you are continued to be glorified through this Lord. Help me to continue to point people to you, no matter the darts and the attacks that the enemy brings my way, where he would try to discourage me and try to stop me. Help me to continue to persevere and to push through, no matter what, because you are with me. You have equipped me for this calling that you have on my life and I just thank you for all that you've done, all that you will continue to do. I lift up Amy to you. Thank you for her kindness, thank you for her presence, thank you for her beautiful soul. I lift up her and her marriage, her family. Lord, i ask that you do whatever it is that she needs to be done in her life. Lord God, strengthen her where she's weak, proper up, where she may have fallen down. Send her people who would encourage her. They will love her. They will not bring her any harm. Where Satan tries to get in, i ask that you send them back to the pits of hell from which he came. Help her to continue to persevere, because we know that, even in the midst of hard times, your grace is sufficient for us And, lord, for that I thank you. Well, i lift up all of our listeners to you, lord, those who are in a relationship, who are contemplating whether they want to be married or not, and those who have newly gotten engaged and those who have recently gotten married, and Lord those who have even been married for a while. And Lord those who even may be recently divorced or even widows, lord, i lift up all of the listeners to you, wherever they are on that journey. Lord, i ask that you give them exactly what they need. I don't know them personally. I don't know each and every one of their stories and their backgrounds and their circumstances and situations. Well, lord, i love that you sit on a throne, sit high, but you look down low, and you know each of one of us in a personal and intimate way. Your word says that you even know the number of heads on our head, which is so crazy to me, but that just shows how much you love us, how much you care about us and how much you're concerned about everything that we go through. And, lord, i just thank you. I give you all the praise and all the glory. Help us to continue to persevere in our relationships. Help us to love and respect one another. Help us to be forgiving and extend grace to one another. Help us not to give up so easily in our marriages and in our relationship. Lord, give us what we need to fight this good fight. Help us, lord. Help us, lord, in your son Jesus name. I thank you and I praise you. Amen. Again thank you so much. Thank you, thank you for having me. And to my audience remember I love you, but God loves you so much more. Bye everyone. I hope you guys have enjoyed Follow me on Facebook at demo with Moe. If you have any questions you would like answered here live on my podcast, email them to me. At demo with Moe at gmailcom. That's D E M O W I T H M O at gmailcom.

Amye Grant
Wedding & Event Planner, CEO of Queen Talk Sophisticated Events
Amye Grant is a wife, mother, and proud owner of Queen Talk Sophisticated Events. She is a Charlotte, NC native with a passion for community service and seeing events come to life. With the support of family and friends, she’s living a fulfilling life full of abundance and love. Amye is big on going for your dreams and encourages everyone to do just that!