In-Law Relationships

In-law Relationships
A lot of people when they hear the word in-laws, they automatically assume the parents. But the name stretches way further than that to any relative or family member of your spouse.
While many couples ignore having a discussion about building healthy in-law relationships when they get married, this issue has become one of the major problems in marriage if one side of the family is toxic. If not properly addressed, things could easily escalate and even lead to divorce. It’s always better to have this discussion early enough, set boundaries, and know how both sides can work together to support your marriage.
In today's episode, I share with you how you can just do that. From knowing the signs your in-laws are toxic, some positive traits to look out for, how you can deal with them, and build a better relationship. This episode has everything you need to build that healthy relationship and partnership, not just with your in-laws, but with your spouse as well!
Key Highlights
[02:43] When is the right time to talk about in-law relationships?
[08:19] In-law challenges I faced with my husband in our young marriage
[15:05] Transitioning from a toxic family
[16:07] Signs your in-laws are toxic
[18:25] Some positive traits of in-laws
[26:51] Why you should never force traditions on your children.
[35:00] Talking to God about bad relationship with in-laws
[37:50] How to build a better relationship with your in-laws
[42:40] Ways to deal with in-laws
[54:03] Relying on therapy and mediator to work on your issues
[55:57] Never ignore the problem
Notable Quotes
- When you get married, you’re now creating your own family.
- If I’m perfectly honest and transparent with you, there were times at the beginning of our marriage when I thought I would walk away because of the issues that we dealt with, with our in-laws.
- My dad never once said anything negative about my husband.
- As a parent, you don’t have to agree with everything that they do, but you have to respect them.
- We cannot force our traditions on our children.
- Work with your spouse and not against your spouse.
- Do not sacrifice your marriage to please your parents. Don’t sacrifice your marriage to please your siblings.
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