Nov. 10, 2022

Date Night!

Date Night!

Date Nights!

Dating is an important part of the life cycle of romantic relationships. It helps us to find a potential mate and understand our characteristics, desires, and needs. Once we get married, taking your spouse on dates should be natural. It’s an opportunity to learn about each other and spend time together outside your home. It can also help build trust and intimacy and strengthen the bond between you. Even with busy schedules and tight responsibilities of parenting, you should always be aware that your marriage comes first. Before everything you have was, it was only you and your partner.

Children will leave home for college or an independent life when they grow up. A good marriage is one that lasts long enough to carry you through the years when your children are no longer living under your roof. Invest in your marriage before it's too late. Many marriage waves of divorce occur once the children leave. You have never learned how to live as two people, as a couple. You were too preoccupied with children, work, other responsibilities and never prioritized your marriage.

Today’s episode is power-packed with tips and insights on creating a strong and romantic marriage that survives the test of time. Listen and learn the hidden treasure in date nights with your partner.

Tune in!

During this episode, you will learn about;

[00:24] Episode intro on today's focus and a quick update about my birthday

[03:47] The power and purpose of dating

[04:50] What a date night is, and what it is not

[07:20] The society’s scripted dating market and why you need to consider what works  

[08:59] Why do most couples stop dating once they get married?  

[11:23] How my marriage of 12 years with an amazing man has been nothing, but pure bliss  

[14:40] Love your children but deeply invest in your marriage

[16:13] Your marriage comes first, then children. Prioritize it.

[17:21] How my husband and I intentionally chose to take a paradigm shift

[22:28] Ideas you can borrow from us to start prioritizing your marriage

[25:29] My encouragement to you in this podcast

[28:55] Today is a good day to start! 

[29:21] Ending the show and call to action 

Notable Quotes 

  • Dating is the glue to a successful courtship that leads to marriage. It neither ends when you say “I DO,” nor when you get into different careers or even have children.
  • Remember that before all the busyness of life, it was just you and your partner.
  • Be open to trying new things when on a date night with your partner. It is not just about connecting romantically but also about gaining new experiences.
  • Most people date to marry. However, dating is much more important after marriage.
  • Having dates with your partner unconsciously gives your children a grasp of what a healthy relationship and marriage look like. 
  • One day, your children will leave your home, and you’ll need to have invested in your marriage earlier on. 
  • Be careful with comparison to other couples. You should learn from others but do what works for your relationship.


  1. Respectful Sleep Training:

Let’s Connect 

Monique Simmons



