Ask Mo Anything

Ask Mo Anything
We are all facing struggles in relationships. Everyone is dealing with something, and the goal of Ask Mo anything and the podcast, in general, is to help you rejuvenate and refresh, be energized, be motivated, answer your questions, and provide you with the space, tools, and resources to help you grow in your relationship. You are not alone. This podcast is here to help you speak up for who you are, make the right choices, and encourage you in your journey.
Join the conversation with your host, Monique, as she answers the questions asked on 'Ask Mo Anything' in honor of celebrating her 34th birthday. Her birthday is a big deal to her, and she is inviting you to celebrate it with her throughout the month of November.
Tune in!
During this episode, you will learn about;
[00:24] Episode intro and preshow talk
[01:48] Today’s focus: Ask Mo Anything
[03:12] How to get your name into the giveaways drawing for November celebration
[06:18] Mo’s Short-term and long-term goals for the podcast
[15:27] What inspired Mo to start this podcast and her vision in the space
[21:55] Holding on to your WHY and your purpose for doing it
[23:30] Mo’s biggest challenge as a wife and how she overcame it
[36:29] Being intentional: Mo’s marriage therapy and individual therapy
[39:15] Being there for yourself the same way you are for other people
[40:02] Choosing the road to freedom
[43:34] Ending the show and call to action
Notable Quotes
- We’re not in this by ourselves; there are people facing struggles just like us, which should encourage us to fight a good fight.
- When you are feeling tired and like you are not making a difference, hold on to your WHY
- We all have to overcome something, no matter what the struggle is
- You have to be accountable to yourself because no one else will
- Your marriage or relationship will only be as healthy as the individuals in it
- Encourage and motivate yourself the same way you do for other people
- We get to choose even when it seems like we have no say
Let’s Connect
Monique Simmons
Facebook Relationship Group:
About The Show
*****Thank you so much for listening to the DEMO with Mo PODCAST! This podcast’s mission is to help equip you with the tools and practical applications to do relationships well. Get inspired, motivated, and tuned up with honest conversations every week. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and be part of this blessed family.
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