April 27, 2023

5 Things I Learned In Therapy

5 Things I Learned In Therapy

5 Things I Learned In Therapy

Therapy is a safe space where you can talk to someone who is trained to help you with your emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. It's a place where you can learn how to deal with life's challenges, feel better about yourself, and improve your relationships with others. Therapy can help you feel more in control of your life and improve your overall well-being.

Join Monique, your host, in this week’s episode as she shares five valuable lessons she learned from her therapist that will transform the way you approach relationships. These lessons touch on some of the most important aspects of building healthy relationships, including setting boundaries, being vulnerable, practicing self-awareness, and understanding the impact of our childhood experiences. Learn these powerful lessons that can help you improve your relationships and lead a happier life.

Tune in!

Key Highlights From the Show;

[00:24] Episode intro and what’s in for you 

[01:22] Are you still seeing your therapist?

[03:05] What we are preparing you for in May

[04:59] Different kinds of relationships people have with their moms 

[10:09] Why keeping your boundaries is golden

[14:12] Benefits of being vulnerable and letting people in to help 

[17:46] Untold secrets of practicing self-awareness

[24:43] Why how things impact you from your childhood things are inseparable from you

[37:15] You are not responsible for what others do or do not do

[42:09] Ending the show and call to action 

Notable Quotes 

  • Boundaries are okay and healthy, and you should have them in any type of relationship.
  • It's better to have healthy relationships in your life, with healthy boundaries, than have unhealthy relationships with no boundaries.
  • Self-awareness means a conscious knowledge of one’s character, feelings, motives, and desires.
  • You cannot run from how your childhood impacted you. It will follow you into your adulthood.
  • It is not your fault for the choices that others make. You are not responsible for what others do or do not do.

About The Show

       *****Thank you so much for listening to the DEMO with Mo PODCAST! This podcast’s mission is to give a space for people who have a desire to do relationships well and to hear authentic conversations about the struggles we all face. The things I wish I would have known. I don't proclaim to be an expert. I'm still learning and growing everyday. We're doing this thing called life together. Get inspired, motivated, and tuned up with honest conversations every week. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram and TikTok.

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